Storytelling is powerful…
And I try to use it for good.
Throughout my career, I’ve crafted communications for brands, organizations and individuals across a wide array of industries and mediums.
From headlines and taglines to speeches, articles and books, I have put pen to paper (to pixels?) with a simple principle:
Be clear, concise, and compelling.
But no matter the subject or my audience, storytelling has been at the heart of my work. What truths am I sharing? What emotions will I evoke? Why will someone care to read these words?
Have a look at my work at the link below. Learn more about how I coach students with their college essays, or produce heirloom books for adults. And let’s talk about how I can help you.
In addition to my marketing work, I wrote a narrative nonfiction book to rave reviews that is read in high schools and universities.
BURY THE HOT is the Holocaust story few have the tenacity or courage to share, and explores equally a traumatized childhood and how the repression of it impacts a marriage. It is the heartbreaking account of evading murder, and brutally honest reflection of a life lived trying to escape the memories.
From the back cover…
She grew up celebrating holidays with Sal Wainberg and his family. She trick-or-treated with his daughter. Sal and his wife attended her wedding.
Yet Deb knew nothing about Sal’s past until he called out of the blue and asked her to write his story. There was a reason she didn't know. He hadn't even told his wife all the details of his childhood.
Born in a Polish shtetl in 1936, Sal's world was surrounded by murderous rage and the spare miracle. From secretly attending school in a ghetto to cowering for weeks in an attic without making a sound; hiding underneath a farmhouse to wandering barefoot through fields of rye — Sal lived a life that Deb only knew of from movies.
"But I don't want some Hollywood tale," Sal told her. "I want the truth."