How to Write a Letter of Continued Interest After Being Waitlisted or Deferred

You may be hearing some “yesses” (yay!!!) and some “noes” (bummer, really, but try to look at it as their loss). And then, there’s that weirdly ambiguous response of “maybe” – not quite a yes, but not a no, either. It’s like a much tinier kick in the gut that also feels … hopeful? While you try to sort out the emotions that accompany this non-decision decision, there’s something specific you may want to do: send a letter of continued interest.

First, let’s look at the difference between a deferral and a waitlist. A deferral happens during the early decision/action round, when a school puts off making a decision about your candidacy and chooses to review your application (again, or for the first time) with the rest of the regular decision applicants. Whereas being waitlisted happens during regular decision application reviews. You’re not accepted, but you’re not flat out rejected. You’re put on a waitlist, and if a spot opens up (due to accepted students choosing another school and pulling their application) then you may get in. There’s no guarantee, and you may not hear until after the May 1st deadline to commit, or even until the summer.

So, now what?

First of all, set your sights beyond this one school. If you’re deferred, there’s still time to submit applications to other schools for their regular decision round (if you haven’t already.) If you’re waitlisted, start to seriously consider some of the other schools you’ve been accepted to. Maybe visit or attend an online info session. Begin to imagine yourself on a different campus than the one you’ve, perhaps, put your whole heart into. If there’s one thing I know to be true, it is this: there is more than one dream school, and you can be happy – and get a fantastic education – at many different universities. 

The second thing you’ll want to do is write a letter of continued interest, which is exactly what it sounds like. A letter (not an essay) that lets the admissions team know you are still interested in attending their school. Here’s what you need to do before you start writing:

  • Reread the communication from the school. Some schools will provide specific instructions (including, don’t write to us!), so be sure to follow them.

  • Assuming they are open to receiving a letter (email) of continued interest, do a little research about the school. You’re essentially writing a version of the “why us?” essay. So, think about what you want to say that is specific and compelling. Don’t just copy some language from their website – they know why they are great and they don’t need you to sound like their marketing brochure. Instead, share something about the school that speaks to you, and why.

  • Jot down a few things about your achievements and/or experiences that are new (not something they will already know from your application.) Here’s a chance to provide an update. Have you maintained or improved your grades? Worked on a really interesting project? Maybe you started a new job, or began volunteering, or competed in a state competition. Just make sure it’s something that happened in the weeks and months after you originally submitted your application.

Now that the pre-work is done, here are some tips for writing a compelling letter of continued interest:

  • Begin the letter with “Dear [name of your regional admissions officer]...” Not, “Hey!” (I can’t believe I have to say this, but I’ve seen it happen, so …) And not “Dear Admissions Team.” Actually look on the website and find the name of your admissions officer.

  • Thank them for taking the time to review your application. These admissions folks are reviewing thousands of applications. Tens of thousands. Yes, it’s their job. But a little gratitude goes a long way. 

  • Reiterate that you are still interested in their school. This may seem obvious by the mere fact that you’re writing a letter of continued interest, but don’t leave the obvious unspoken.

  • Give proof of interest. Have you had any contact with the school since you first submitted your application? Did you visit campus, or attend an online info session, or have an interview? Did you speak with a current student, poke around their website, or follow the school newspaper on Insta? If so, let them know that you’ve enjoyed getting to know more about their school in the past few months, and how you’ve done so.

  • Share why you want to attend. Is there a particular program that draws you? Some classes that look interesting? A professor you’d love to study with? Is there something unique about their campus that you can’t find anywhere else? Are they strong in a particular field of study? Again, make sure that what you share speaks just as much to you and your interests and strengths, and not just what’s great about the school.

  • Tell them what you’ve been up to. Here’s where you’ll want to highlight a few specific ways that you have continued to learn and grow, despite being done with your applications and having come down with a profound case of senioritis. (I know. I was a high schooler once.)

  • Reiterate your gratitude and interest in the school. Don’t overdo it. Just a simple, sincere sentence will do the trick.

  • Include a proper signature. Sincerely, Best, Thanks so much, Yours truly, … any sign off along those lines, with your first name below it, will help you stick your landing.

Remember, this is a letter (email), not an essay! No need for a clever opening, a whole song and dance, overly flowery writing (which you shouldn’t do in your essay, either, unless that’s how you talk in real life.) Just a clear piece of writing that informs and gently persuades. Good luck!


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